Monday, July 26, 2010

{Hide and Seek}

This weekend has been an eventful one! Our A/C went on the fritz and Chat was working nights, so Luke and I packed up and stayed with my parents all weekend. It has been very fun! Last night, they had dinner plans with friends so Luke and I had the evening to ourselves at their house. I had him on a blanket playing on the floor and walked in the other room. When I came back a minute later, he was gone!! My heart immediately started pounding and my heart racing. But then I realized where he might be. And I was right...under the coffee table. Clearly he has learned to roll!

1 comment:

Meant to be a mom said...

What a little stinker, rolling across the room and scaring you like that.
I'm glad you had family nearby that you could stay with when the ac broke.