Monday, May 5, 2014


My big Benny boy is obsessed with dinosaurs! It is so fun to have a son who likes something more than trains and experience something so new. I love trains, but after 2.5 years of only that, I needed a change. And Ben is such a different character than Luke, I should have known he would enjoy lots of new things!

A few weeks back I was bringing the boys to ride the train at the zoo, but when we got there, it was a parking nightmare. I couldn't find a spot anywhere -- not even blocks away (I was willing to walk far to keep the boys happy and occupied for a morning with nothing on our agenda). But sadly everyone in Houston apparently had the same idea. So I told two disappointed little boys that we couldn't go for a train ride as I drove by the Museum of Natural Science. Ben had been when he was a baby....waaaaaaaay before his obsession started. So we changed plans and the three of us spent a morning among the fossils. And Ben loved it!  

Luke really enjoyed it too!  Although lots of my time was literally chasing them around and trying to keep them from climbing on all the exhibits. Man do they have a lot of energy! 

And of course, we had a lot of silliness...

All in all a very successful trip! Ben is even more obsessed than ever with dinosaurs and pretty much insists on dinosaur pajamas every night and a dinosaur t-shirt every day. I do TONS of laundry just to keep up with his obsession. People must wonder if I have any other clothes for him...which I do...but I don't have the energy to deal with the tantrums that follow if I tell him he has to wear something else. So I pick my battles and dinosaurs it is! So I pretty much have to wash the same shirts and pajamas every night. He got to pick out a new T-Rex shirt before we headed home and has worn it no less than four times a week since. The boy knows what he likes!

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