Monday, April 14, 2014

{The Beginning of Baseball}

I knew when I married Chat over seven years ago that baseball was going to be a big part of our lives.  So four and a half years ago when I was laying on that ultrasound bed and I found out that Luke was going to be a boy, I instantly imagined the day when my little boy would be on the field with his hat and glove with his dad.  And a few weeks ago, it became a reality!  It was actually a really cold morning and so many of us were shivering and uncomfortable, but I couldn't help LOVE every minute of that first practice/game.  It will be one of those days I will always remember!


One of Luke's friends dad is the coach and he asks many of the dads to help. It is such a group effort since it truly is corralling cats with 12 four year olds. Chat is loving being on the field with Luke!  Such a cute father/son if you ask me...

Luke's best friend is on the team and that just adds to fun of the game.  These two boys love each other. And so I love that they get to experience all these firsts together! Now keeping them from goofing off and messing with each other throughout the hour is a whole different story...

Luke is on a team with lots of his friends which makes it so much fun for the boys. They are all such different personalities so it is so fun to see how they all play the game. And goof off. It is hysterical to watch these guys learn the game and have a lot of fun together!  I personally love the dog pile that happens every time as they all run to try to field the ball when someone hits it.  It is quite comical!

Luke giving me the thumbs up!  He is one happy boy on the baseball field! I secretly was a bit worried that our boys wouldn't like baseball -- Chat's true love (beside me!). Chat always told me it would be okay if they didn't like it, but I wanted at least one of our sons to enjoy the game.  To be able to have that bond with their father. So I was so happy to see the joy that baseball brings Luke. It may not last forever, but it sure is nice for the moment.  Which is all I could ever ask for.

I know one day I may lose all the men in my life to this game, so I am embracing it and going to be the best baseball mom I can be!  Oh and if you were wondering what Ben was doing on the sidelines as Luke was playing, this picture will tell you....

Ben was doing what he does best...EATING!  Here is to a wonderful first t-ball season with my baseball buddy Luke!

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