Tuesday, April 15, 2014

{Bluebonnets 2014}

I hate when the boys get sick.  Last fall/winter, someone in our family was sick for what seemed like five months straight.  It was awful!  No one prepares you for the endless sickness once you have more than one child.  Whatever one gets, the other one gets and then you end up getting and then it is time for the first one to get sick again. So I was expecting the worst this year. But surprisingly we got through the fall and all the holidays without a big sickness. Actually barely even a cold. But as soon as the seasons started to change and we felt that spring air, both boys ended up sick at home for almost a week with a fever and some sniffles. Actually it was only about two to three days for each of them, but they staggered it, so I was home with at least one of them for a week.

I could only watch one more episode of Peppa Pig, so on the Thursday of that week, I decided we were going to get out. Luke was better and Ben was about 70%.  We were probably okay to be out in public, but I figured we still needed a bit more time to recover before going somewhere with a bunch of other children. But I just had to get out of the house. So I loaded up the boys and we headed out 290 to find some bluebonnets. We ended up driving almost an hour close to Chappel Hill and Brenham, but I finally found some that would make a good place for pictures. 

It took me bribing them with a Bucee's icee for them to cooperate for pictures, but I was really happy we went!

I love these next three and how it played out.  These brothers are so freakin' cute!  Well, when they are not fighting like crazy.  Let's be honest. 

Luke was a bit more eager to accept my bribes of sugar and let me take a few more pictures of him. I think at this point Ben was getting tired since he was still not feeling well. So I didn't fight it and just got a few of Luke. Next year, Ben watch out! I will take a roll of just you!

Although it was a bit of a drive, I am so happy to get these pictures!  It was a cloudy day, but we still managed to get some really good ones. I know I will treasure these forever. But I can't resist tell the story behind the pictures so I remember that too --- sickness, sugar bribery, a few tantrums.  The reality of motherhood are these beautiful pictures, but also the not-so-perfect stories to go with it. And I love them both.

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