Monday, October 21, 2013

{October So Far....Strep, School Pics and More!}

A few things that have been going on in these parts:
1.  I got strep throat about a week and a half ago.  It was as bad as it sounds!  I got home from taking Luke to soccer and started feeling very achy and my throat was scratchy.  Within two hours, I was have the cold sweats, shaking and running over a 102 temperature. Chat was at school that night, so I had to do dinner, bath and bedtime for the boys all while feeling terrible.  Luckily I got through it and took two Nyquil and passed out that night hoping sleep would help.  The next morning was much worse, so I called my doctor at 8:00 am and was in her office by 8:30 getting swabbed for strep.  After a shot of steroids and a prescription for antibiotics I was on my way.  I actually felt about 90% by the next day and definitely 100% the day after that.  I was so happy I got help so it did not drag out all week!  And luckily the boys did not get it from me.  We dodged a huge bullet there!
2.  The boys had their school pictures a few weeks ago and I finally got them back.  They do a sibling picture too and was so shocked to see how good it turned out!
3.  Ben has decided he would rather color his body than any type of paper or coloring book.  I left him alone for about three minutes and came back to this.  I threw him in the bath very quickly so we could get all of this off of him and the water turned a deep blue.  There was that much blue marker on him!  Turkey...
4.  Before it got cool this past week, we were still dealing with hot, muggy weather with lots of mosquitos.  So the boys were a bit stir crazy and we ended up in Ben's room.  Somehow Ben got the broom out of the laundry room and it ended up on the floor.  So we played a little game called "run and jump over the broom!".  And it kept them occupied for almost 30 minutes.  I swear things that I would never even begin to think of doing are sometimes the biggest successes!  Here are some action shots (and that is change from their piggy bank on the floor):
5.  Ben loves cupcakes. 

6.  I took Luke to the doctor the other week because I noticed a huge swollen lymph node on his neck.  I called the nurse and they said anything over the size of a pea, I would need to bring him in.  So off we went!  Since he has no other symptoms it is a bit of a mystery, but his pediatrician says it should go away within three weeks.  It has been a week and a half and it is still there, so I am crossing my fingers it goes away soon.  Luke's teacher at school called me at home the other night because she had noticed and wanted to make sure I knew about it.  I guess I should have told her about it because you can definitely see it when he turns his head.  So we are waiting and watching.
7. Luke is in soccer again this fall and it is going so well (so much better than the summer did)!  He is in it with at least five other little boys he knows and his old coach and he is loving it!  The weather finally turned nice so it is actually nice to be outside watching too.  They typically do drills the first half of practice and then do a scrimmage between teammates the second half.  This past Thursday Luke finally made his first goal in a scrimmage!  I was so proud of him.  He typically just loves running around with the other kids -- kicking a goal isn't a huge focus for him.  So this was fun to see!  I am just happy he is enjoying it...goal or not!
8.  Last week the boys took a bath together as usual at night.  Ben wanted to get out early so I got him out and got a diaper on him.  Luke started calling for him because he needed to tell Ben a "secret" and this is how I found them...
Apparently they were scheming.  The secret was "to go tickle mama".  Except Luke doesn't quite understand that you whisper when you tell a secret because he was kinda screaming it.  "GO TICKLE MAMA!!!!"
9.  It was Molly's 2nd birthday last week, so we stopped by with a cupcake for her and a few dinosaur cookies for the rest of us.  Ben really enjoyed feeding Molly his dinosaur cookie.  These two...they crack us up!


10.  It seems anything I try to get Luke, Ben really takes to it instead.  I got these Kumon tracing books for Luke so he can practice writing/drawing.  Luke was into it for about six minutes while Ben sat at the table for almost 30 minutes having a high ole time...

11.  This guy is super excited about turning four already!  Sadly, he has about four more months to wait.  So we do a lot of talking about how he is three, but not for long!

12.  And lastly, brother hugs.  Cuz there isn't much better than those!


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