Wednesday, January 4, 2012

{3 Week Update}

"Benjy" (that is what Chat calls Ben) is over 3 weeks now and growing like a weed.  He is still not sleeping all that well, so I am going to update in bullets because that is the only way my brain will work right now!
  • Ben is definitely a big guy.  I have a feeling he is weighing close to 11 pounds now, but not exactly sure.  He is wearing his 0-3 month clothes and filling them out in girth and length.  He seems to be long and his chins are multiplying.  See proof in the picture.
  • Ben had a few nights of sleeping 3 hour stretches (woohoo!), but sadly we are back to 1 to 2 hour stretches as of last night.  At night, he sleeps in his crib, swaddled with a noise machine.  I feed him and put him down around 10:00 or 11:00 at night and he is usually up within an hour or two and then so on till about 7:00 in the morning.
  • He grunts A LOT in the middle of the night. 
  • He usually has 2 to 3 awake times during the day that last around 1 1/2 hours each. 
  • He likes to be held all day long -- whether sleeping or awake which means this momma's arms are always full. 
  • I am not sure if Ben has a slight reflux issue or not, but he has projectile vomitted on me a few times.  It is typically when I try to feed him a lot right before bed in hopes that he will sleep longer.  Well, this backfires!  He then is completely awake after it happens and hungry, but I can't feed him for about an hour or it will just come up.  So we walk and bounce until I can feed him again -- usually around midnight.  Not our best nights :).
  • Luke seems to be tolerating Ben pretty well.  We have gotten a few kisses from him to Ben and he loves to point out his body parts -- his nose, eyes, ears, belly button, etc.  A few times he has tried to hit him, but those have been few and far between. 
  • Ben is a huge tooter!  He is constantly pooping or tooting all day long.  I laugh, but poor guy has some tummy troubles.
  • He nurses anywhere from every hour to two hours during the day, it just depends on his naps.  He does take a bottle well and I try to do that once a day or every other day so he continues to do this. 
  • I offer the pacifier to Ben and he will suck on it, but doesn't seem that interested in it.  He wants something to come out of it!  It almost seems to make him frustrated right now so I don't really use it all that much.  Hopefully it will come in handy when I start trying to get him to stretch in between feedings in the coming months.
  • Having two kids has definitely been hard, but also very fun.  Luckily Chat has been off for 3 weeks to help, so the real question is how will I handle it on my own since he is going back to work this weekend!
That's all I got right now! 


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