Saturday, April 16, 2011

{Easter Came Early!}

Our neighborhood mom's group had their annual Easter Egg Hunt this morning and Luke had a great time. Can't you tell?

Other than saying hello to the Easter Bunny, Luke did have a great time. He picked up lots of eggs with dad's help...

When that wasn't fun anymore (which was pretty quick), he started taking the eggs out of the basket. Then he decided to eat them... He played on the playground and on the swings after that and then topped off the morning with a juice box. All in all, a great morning! Here is a little family pick at the end of the festivities. Next weekend, we will celebrate with the family!



Emily said...

Love the family picture! Ya'll look great! Crop that lady out and that's a framer for sure!

Lindsay Byerly said...

He did so well with Santa, I wonder why he didn't like the Easter Bunny???