Tuesday, April 27, 2010

{2 Month Check-Up}

Luke had his 2 month check-up yesterday and get this...he weighed in at 15 pounds 3 ounces. Ladies and gentleman, I have a chunker! The doctor said he was in the 100th percentile, but not to worry, many breast milk babies bulk up and will eventually level off in their own time. He is already in 6 to 9 month clothes. He is such a cutie though...all those double chins.

In other news, Chat is out of town for 6 days with work. I am on my 3 night on my own and I think I am cracking. I was doing so well the first few days, but today I kinda broke down when my sister Courtney came over to help. I am sure all the shots yesterday didn't help - him or me. I don't know how single moms do it.

Sleep is still far away. He slept for a 5 hour strectch for 3 nights in a row this past weekend. I was so happy! Even though I had to go to bed at 9 pm to reap the benefits. But, it was another fluke. A girl can dream it can happen again, right? Luckily, his coos and smiles keep me going!


Meant to be a mom said...

Sorry to hear about the breastfeeding issues. Hopefully either things will get better or you will just have to quit early. At least you tried though. Any breast milk for a baby is better than none. Don't beat yourself up if it doesn't work out as long as you hoped. But it still could.

I'm glad he's healthy and heavy, that's great!

And I hope your hubs comes home quickly so your not handling everything on your own. Its difficult.

Megs said...

I hate to hear that you are having issues with breastfeeding :( I am so sorry! However, it sounds like your little guy is definitely getting what he needs!! lol 15 lbs at 2 months!! Wow! :)

We have had to start supplementing with one feeding of formula a day because he was taking more while I was at work than what I could produce, even if I pumped every 2 hours. He transitioned well. I don't know that he even realizes there is a difference. So...whatever works best for you and him! :) Good luck!!