Friday, September 18, 2009

{16 Weeks}

I am 16 weeks! I think I have gained about 5 pounds and am now wearing maternity tops and bottoms. I don't know why elastic waist bands are not fashionable...they are awesome! Unfortunately I don't fill out the back of many of the pants due to my flat rear :) So the back waist band part is up to my bra. I am not sleeping quite as well as a few weeks ago, but not too bad. The several trips to the pottie are not helping.

But guess what??? I popped! I officially have a pregnant tummy versus just being frump girl and people are noticing! I am not feeling any movements yet. I really really want this to start happening and soon. I want to feel the little one! I heard that being tall (I am 5'11), it takes longer to feel because the baby has more room to move.

Oh, one more thing...Every woman shops at Target for maternity wear. Just be careful or you will end up in the same outfit as your fellow pregnant co-worker. People will take pictures. Yes, this happened to me :)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

As long as it's pasteurized you can eat feta! Supposedly, all cheese sold in the us are suppose to be pasteurized (but I'm not 100% sure about that, but so far every package of feta I've seen is). It's fear of listeria that you aren't suppose to eat soft cheeses, but pasturization kills the bacteria so it's no more dangerous than other things you could eat. I don't order things with feta or other soft cheeses at restaurants because I don't know where it came from, but at home I enjoy some occassionally. But always avoid blue/moldy cheese. I also avoid brie and camembert.