Thursday, August 13, 2009

{Waiting is the Pits}

The waiting is almost over! This time tomorrow I will be getting ready to drive to my doctor's appointment and finally know where we are at. Phew...Chat and I (and rest of the family) are so ready for this day to be here. I am hopeful that I will see that beautiful heartbeat and we can finally really start to celebrate and plan!

With that said, I had a very bad night last night. I ate horribly yesterday...I mean bad. It makes me nauseous even thinking about it. I started out at Luby's for lunch and got every carb imaginable (their mac & cheese is heaven). Then I had to go to a work event last night and was feeling shaky before I got there, so I stopped off a McDonalds and got a small fry (who am I?). Then I went to the event and snacked on some appetizers there. Then I went to dinner afterwards with a few co-workers and ate mashed potatoes and chips and queso. Can you believe that?? Nothing good for me at all and all very heavy items. I woke up at 1:30 am and felt like my stomach was going to be the death of me. I would run to the bathroom and dry heave and then slowly get back in bed until I had to do it again. I laid there miserable for about 2 hours. I finally felt back asleep...thank goodness.

I am feeling better this morning although I was gagging on my way to work. I got some funny looks at the cars around me :) So...I am going to eat small meals today that are nutricious and nothing heavy. I am hoping to eat some fruit and maybe a small sandwich for lunch and thats it!!!!

5 comments: said...

I hope you feel better! :) your appt is tomorrow WOOT WOOT!

Amy said...

Waiting certainly does stink! I'm glad your appt. is tomorrow and the waiting will be over!

Tina said...

I am so glad that your appointment is less than 24 hours away! I can't wait to see your update!

A said...

I hope the wait for u/s is not too bad! I left you an award on my blog!

Meant to be a mom said...

I can't wait to hear how your apt went.
Sorry to hear about your bad night last night. I hope today is much much better.